On Saturday, all day long we were configureing Junior, but my jurnal was empty for that day because I did not write anything about it, because I did not have any nice photos.
I waited for the training of gokart Top Kart model Speedy 125 with a Rotax 125 Junior Max engine with 20 horsepower.
The first day of vacation, we spent on track in Čedad in Italy. The weather was nice and sunny.
In the morning I observe Klemen's driving techniques. Matjaž kept pointing me to what I should pay attention to. After that my go-kart was prepaired for me. At first I did not know how it will behave, so I left a little reserve. From lap to lap I was faster and better. Soon Klemen joined me with his Intrepid DD2. Together we enjoyed and tested the power and responsiveness of the vehicles.
The day passed very quickly. Although I wanted to continue to drive, we had to end because the trening time expired. Of course, cleaning the go-karts followed after that.
I hardly wait for the nex trening session with Rotax Juniro Max.
I left you some photos from the training in the gallerie.